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TIPM Conducted COVID-19 Drill on Crew Transfer Vessel.
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    2020-06-16 ~ 2021-06-16
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To cooperate with the government in COVID-19 epidemic prevention polices and the construction schedule of offshore wind power grid, TIPC Marine Cooperation Co., Ltd. (TIPM) carried out the drill of suspected case of COVID-19 on Crew Transfer Vessel (CTV) at Taichung Offshore Wind Power Operation Base. The exercise includes wearing medical personal protective equipment (PPE), moving planning, ship cleaning and disinfection, and subsequent monitoring of the crew health.

To achieve the government’s offshore wind power policy, TIPM had built two CTVs to carry technicians commuting to the wind towers, work platforms and ships. In view of coronavirus is still spreading globally, technicians may contact many people in offshore workplaces or ships, so it is difficult to exclude people from contacting with suspected cases.

Meanwhile, to ensure the performance of CTV and health of the crews, TIPM is the first industry to purchase medical PPE and stipulate "Guidance on Protective Measures for CTV carrying personnel suspected of COVID-19" to prevent the spread of epidemic by deploying a contingency mechanism in advance. Once the technicians experience physical discomfort or suspected symptoms while working at sea, TIPM will implement the relevant prevention measures with safety condition for medical treatment instantly to enhance quality of crew transfer service.


Provided by:TIPC Marine Cooperation Co., Ltd. (TIPM)
Contact Person:Hongbin Huang,Manager
Telephone No.:07-5331199#1530
E-mail Address:jasper@tipcmarine.com.tw

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